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Study Overview, Goals, & Objectives
The Fairfield Road Planning Study will identify near-term improvements to improve safety and ease traffic congestion on the Fairfield Road corridor in Lake County. The study will also plan for future investments that enhance economic opportunity, mobility, equity, and quality of life in the area.
Study Area
The study area follows Fairfield Road from north of Gilmer Road to Oakwood Drive, an approximately 5.5 mile segment.

Goals & Objectives
Through stakeholder, agency, and public input, the Study Team seeks to establish a shared corridor vision and identify a range of alternatives that will:
Increase safety for all roadway users
Consider potential regional transportation improvements
Reduce congestion and delays as population grows
Avoid or minimize impacts to environmental resources such as wetlands, recreational areas, and potential historic properties
Provide pedestrian and bicycle connectivity
About the Planning Study
Planning and Environmental Linkages Study (PEL)
A PEL Study is a planning study that provides for:
- A collaborative approach to decision-making
Early consideration of:
- Environmental resources
- Community context
- Future development plans
- Incorporation of information, analysis, and planning results into environmental review

Purpose of the Study
A PEL Study will be conducted to enable the following planning products to be adopted into later environmental review processes for future projects within the study limits:
Draft Purpose and Need with federal and state concurrence
Screening of alternatives to be carried forward for further study
Basic description of the environmental setting
Decision on methodologies for analysis
Allows project to be eligible for potential state and federal funding
The PEL will develop a roadmap for the corridor and identify potential future projects to be carried forward for further study.
PEL Process & Schedule
PEL Process Steps

PEL Schedule

Traffic & Crash Data
Average Daily Traffic (ADT) and Crash Data
Current traffic volumes on Fairfield Road within the study area range from 11,700 to 13,700 vehicles per day. The Average Daily Traffic map below indicates average daily traffic volumes at select points along Fairfield Road. With no improvements to Fairfield, traffic volumes are expected to range from 12,400 to 14,500 vehicles per day by 2050. Daily traffic volumes over 14,000 vehicles per day typically indicate a two-lane roadway is at or over capacity.
However, there are additional factors that are considered as well such as the crash data. Scroll down to view traffic and crash data.

Intersection Crash Data (2017 – 2021)
There were 357 total crashes in the study area between 2017 and 2021. Of those crashes, 88 involved injuries, and one involved a fatality. The predominant crash type in the study area is rear-end crashes, accounting for 51 percent of total crashes. A high number of rear-end crashes can be an indication of insufficient capacity along a roadway.

Corridor-Wide Crash Data (2017 – 2021)

Common Causes of Crashes Along the Corridor

Roadway Segment Crash Data (2017 – 2021)

Traffic Data — Existing Level of Service (LOS) Intersections 1–3

Traffic Data — Existing Level of Service (LOS) Intersections 4–6

Traffic Data — Existing Level of Service (LOS) Intersections 7–9

Built & Natural Environments
The study team is identifying environmental resources such as parks and wetlands, historical resources, and collecting data to develop alternatives that will improve mobility and safety on Fairfield Road while limiting impact on the built and natural environment.

Alternatives Development & Analysis
The development of alternatives involves identifying potential solutions to the transportation needs identified through engineering analysis, stakeholder engagement and public input. Alternatives are informed by existing traffic, safety, and environmental conditions data. From that point, alternatives are screened based on criteria developed with stakeholder and public input. This stage of the PEL Study process identifies recommended alternatives that may be further developed in future Phase I studies.
Screening Process
Click or tap on the colored boxes to learn more.
Purpose and Need
Screening Process
The Lake County Division of Transportation (LCDOT) is using a multi-step screening process to determine recommended project alternatives within the Fairfield Road Planning Study area. Alternatives must pass several screenings to be considered as a project the LCDOT may pursue in the future. This process incorporates engineering analysis, stakeholder engagement and public input throughout.
Click or tap on the colored boxes to learn more.
Purpose and Need Statement
The Purpose of the transportation improvements in the study area is to reduce congestion on Fairfield Road and surrounding roads and improve safety for all users.
The Need for the improvements is based on feedback from the public to enhance safety and operations, to reduce congestion, to be compatible with other planned improvements on surrounding roadways, and to consider non-motorized modes of transportation for bicyclists and pedestrians.
Initial Alternatives
Screening Process
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Initial Alternatives
Alternatives that did not meet the Purpose and Need or have excessive impacts or cost are not carried forward to the next step.

No Build
- Serves as a baseline comparison for other alternatives
- Federally required to advance through the PEL process

- Does not meet Purpose and Need based on existing traffic and safety conditions

- Meets Purpose and Need

- Meets Purpose and Need

- Meets Purpose and Need
Traffic and Safety
Screening Process
Click or tap on the colored boxes to learn more.
Traffic & Safety Screening
The number of travel lanes and medium usage along the corridor are analyzed for traffic operational and safety performance.

No Build
- Serves as a baseline comparison for other alternatives
- Federally required to advance through the PEL process

- Moderate improvement to traffic operations
Moderate improvement to safety
- Widened shoulder
- Separation of opposing traffic
- Dedicated storage for left turning vehicles

- Moderate improvement to traffic operations
Low improvement to safety
- Widened shoulder

- High improvement to traffic operations
Moderate to high improvement to safety
- Widened shoulder
- Separation of opposing traffic
- Dedicated storage for left turning vehicles
- Increased capacity reduces congestion related crashes
Impacts Screening
Screening Process
Click or tap on the colored boxes to learn more.
Impacts Screening
Alternatives are evaluated for improvement to traffic operations, increased safety performance, impacts to adjacent lands, impacts to natural resources, technical feasibility, and construction cost.
Intersection types (stop-controlled, signalized, roundabout) determined feasible for each intersection location will be developed and analyzed in Phase I.

No Build
- Serves as a baseline comparison for other alternatives
- Federally required to advance through the PEL process

- Moderate improvement to traffic operations
- Moderate improvement to safety
- Moderate impact to right-of-way
- Moderate impact to natural resources
- Construction staging requires temporary impacts
- Moderate cost

- High improvement to traffic operations
- Moderate to high improvement to safety
- Similar impact to right-of-way as 3-lane; permanent impact is higher
- Similar impact to natural resources as 3-lane
- Simplified construction staging
- Higher cost
Bicycle/Pedestrian Screening
Screening Process
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Bicycle/Pedestrian Screening
Sidewalks, paths, and shared bike lanes are applied to the designs carried forward from the previous step and analyzed for their non-motorized operations and safety, along with impacts to adjacent land and environmental features.
Sidewalks, Paths, and Shared Bike Lanes

Source: Small Town and Rural Design Guide Facilities for Walking and Biking
Study Area Trails and Sidewalks

Your Input Matters | Interactive Comment Map & Poll Questions
Share your feedback on transportation and community needs in the project area by using the interactive comment map and poll questions. These input opportunities will be open February 27 – March 29, 2025.
Comment Map
Interactive Comment Map
Use the project area map to share location-specific input with us. Drop a pin to provide feedback on traffic, safety, bicycle/pedestrian connectivity, transit, environmental, or other considerations.
Your Input Matters | Interactive Comment Map & Poll Questions
Share your feedback on transportation and community needs in the project area by using the interactive comment map and poll questions. These input opportunities will be open February 27 – March 29, 2025.
Poll Questions
Poll Questions
Community members and other stakeholders play an important role in this PEL study and any decisions made about the future of Fairfield Road. We want to hear from you about transportation and community needs in this area! Specifically, we're asking for your input on the alternatives screening criteria and priorities for bicycle and pedestrian connectivity in the area.
Recommended Alternatives to be Carried Forward
Screening Process
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Recommended Alternatives to be Carried Forward
The study team will continue to refine the alternatives to be carried forward based on public and stakeholder input and engineering analysis. LCDOT will use the those refined alternatives to consider potential projects for the study area to be included in a future 5-year plan. Designs determined favorable are recommended for further analysis during Phase I.
Get Involved
Thank you for visiting this online public engagement!
Your feedback is important to us. Please provide your input using one of the options below.
Comment Period Open February 27 – March 29, 2025

Comment Form
Use the Comment button on the top right of your screen

Lake County Division of Transportationc/o Fairfield Road
Planning Study Team
600 West Winchester Road
Libertyville, IL 60048